October 1, 2010

Welcome Note (Reader Discretion Advised)

The Imagination imitates. It is the criticial spirit that creates.
Oscar Wilde

The Mediocre teacher Tells, the Good teacher Explains, the Superior teacher Demonstrates, the Great teacher Inspires.
William Arthur Ward

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Oscar Wilde

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
Oscar Wilde

Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
Bertrand Russell

Work is more fun than fun.
Noel Coward 

Every imaginative thought has some amount of mixed curiosity and humor within it.
Each of these aspects are captured from time to time in lucid dreams, which are rare, granted.
Adding structured and unstructured detail to conscious imaginations, or subconscious dreams, and turning them into very unlikely, yet rationally-possible fictional realities is a fair description of the formulation of a Plot.
Detailed Characters in plots are derived in a parallel brain-wave, using certain facets of real-life examples and constructed environments. Playing these characters into awkward, or harsh, or any other types of situations, into a slightly twisted form of reality which these fictional characters inhabit and call abnormal, lends an endless stream of Improbable Progressions to their respective Behaviors.
Vocalizing these behavioral patterns with body-language, while adding constructed base emotions these characters might be feeling at the time, result in conversations or Dialogues.

All these tiny bits of frantic detail are laid out, in no particular order, perhaps. But all that’s required to make the material genuinely interesting, is to present the said material in the most engaging way possible, as the story permits. Writing isn’t to dazzle or impress the reader, not even to appeal or disgust readers, but to draw in people for that limited period of time to an alternate world, and letting the readers emerge at the end, understanding what was presented. The sharp detail of the fantasy trip, and the subsequent understanding, matters. Ideological agreement with the idea, or Likeability, does not. Success, Failure, Acceptance, Criticism, Monetary gain - are of no genuine, meaningful consequence. Eventually.

This is one of an endless stream of individual view-points one could assemble, to collectively create a story.
Just one of those ways, to come up with a creative idea.

Having said this, I must digress slightly, to address people, who think the Human Imagination is useless and practically futile. They may be right, if they choose to live life through a narrow, goal-oriented lifestyle. Not that party animals are any better. They’re both examples of Existential Waste.
Not out of condescension, but there’s some truth in thinking the obsession with any specific thing, does not enrich or educate Human Experience, and it’s even more tragic, when we know We have a mortal coil around us, but we live uneventful, unimaginative, irrational lives; just to fit in, or to be able to achieve some vaguely asinine, brain-dead idea of Success or Perfection.

Therefore, I honestly believe, that ignorant, unimaginative citizens ought to be Shot.

Lord Giles Featherhorn Lumpbucket

Dear Readers

We apologize deeply, regretfully, sincerely, for the callous statements of Giles Lumpbucket, who has been… de-Lorded… right after his article was published without prior authorization in this blog. We ashamedly, truthfully, and as respectfully as is humanly possible, wish to inform you, dear readers, that Mr. Lumpbucket has been placed under house arrest, deep within the deep, dark, mystic caverns of the Queen’s Royal Stable. Where, His Ex-Lordship, is currently being subjugated to a life of imprisoned torture within a 10x10 box filled with hay, while copious amounts of warm porridge is poured over his head, for his obnoxious, mindless racism towards those he refers to as The Un-Evolved.

We hope we have dealt with this issue satisfactorily enough, to ensure you, our faithful readers, that we take your view-points, however mind-numbing or cerebrally-stunted they may be, in sweeping, casual, arbitrary strides, because we earnestly chose to do so, because we get richer, as long as you stay stupid, ignorant, unenlightened and misinformed.

Thanking You
The Administrators

Prerequisite ideas work, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of denying every other way to visualizing anything completely at random. Unless the objective of writing is to lean towards a type of reductionism, in Thought.
Create your own tangible universes, by twisting intangible ideas. By thinking from every perspective angle you’ve never thought to imagine from before. Every story has to be objectively subjected to different treatments, likewise, the method for creating every individual story requires Uniqueness. Letting the mind wander, and learn, ceaselessly, does produce results. Perhaps, leading us into self-enlightened perspectives, and lateral view-points. 

A writer begins his/her foray into the world of words to satisfy their own curiosities and eccentricities. The imagination is subjected to equally vague and logical premises/thoughts; if not,the artist inevitably desecrates personally unique ideas for the sake of creating something interesting, to an audience demanding mediocrity. In due course, the art becomes a mockery of perceptions. Genuine wit and wisdom are thought of as world-weariness. Silly, irrational, inconsequential junk is accepted as the morality of the age. Transforming unashamedly into Entertainment. Hopefully, I'll cover all the aforementioned stages of the evolution of art here. 

Art can be as vague as can be, and yet it provides pure aesthetic pleasure like nothing else.

If truth be told, I want to do little else.

If you’ve managed to read through this staggeringly-futile amount of drivel, and are considerably confused, read on. 

Perhaps, I could manage to enlighten, confuse or disgust every one of you, as you progress through the material here, fiction and non-fiction alike.

Welcome, to Musings.



  1. i remember reading ths a lng time back, n like i said then, i simply luved the Lumpbucket fr wt ever he says wch i truely cn relate to n is one reason ,y i wanna follow this site. fr the kind of reading i like to grab.

    And am very eXcited to see the site launched.

    gudluck wth it R!
