October 1, 2010


God created the Universe.
Most of the world accepts that.
Not many people know, that human beings, were created twice.

In the beginning, God Created the Universe, and laid it in perpetual darkness. On an Earth, devoid of plants, animals and other living organisms, God created Human Beings.

For the first three hundred years of creation, humans co-existed in peace and harmony, because every single specimen of the human race had met each other, while they were creeping along in the dark and bumped into each other, as was natural in a dark world. The longest conversations; when they weren't started up and ended abruptly with grunts of politeness, similar to phrases we now know as Excuse me, or Pardon me; were the conversations that occurred when the most curious, and humorous, met purely by chance.
Every other conversation, as is explained earlier, was limited to a few subtle phrases. Or, as it was more common in those days, grunts.

Since Nothing could be seen, looks weren't important, ruling out social awkwardness almost entirely. There was nothing to be feared, because weird sounds, weird touch, and weird smells, were commonplace.

This went on, for three hundred years.
Until two testosterone-driven specimens of the human race, stepped on one of the other's feet, and decided to address the situation with a violent solution. Most other people dismissed this when they heard about it; from witnesses who heard the two mentioned characters, arguing about which one of them would successfully silence the other, permanently; since the idea of murder wasn't known at the time. Although, some humans felt it fitting, upon hearing this epic tale, to try stomping on every one they meet, to see what caused the principle characters in the anecdote, to kill each other. A few tries of this odd behavior later, many realized that this activity was more enjoyable to enact, yet annoying to receive. Many of the same people realized that the best way to rid themselves of this particular annoyance, was to beat-the-shit out of the ones who tried trod(ing) on them, as a playtime activity. Once the simple-minded Trod(ers) caught on to the homicidal plans of the others, they decided to hatch the same plan by themselves. The human race ended itself in less than twenty minutes, in a frenzy of blind, nonsensical frustration.

God, back from his 300-year tea break, beheld his creation in a mixture of surprise and amusement, as the last human being twitched, asphyxiated in a puddle of his own blood, and died. Oddly enough, the last word uttered at the end of the first human race, was Shoe.

God then proclaimed, Let there be Light, and there was light.

And this time, He let evolution take it's natural course, so He could focus on more relevant projects.
Unfortunately, we're now in the year 2010 A.D, and we still have testosterone-driven simpletons, meek idiots, greedy power-hungry sadists, and religious zealots as the primary prototypes for our species.
Generally Ignorant, and proud of it.
Tragic, perhaps; our highly-evolved brains were rarely used, for anything that genuinely mattered, throughout existence.

Sure, we may have had numerous examples of highly enlightened people through the ages. However, when we look at the number of people who've lived and died, since the dawn of humankind, to have done nothing exceptional with the exceptional mind they all possessed, the analogy does emerge with a stark contrast of Wisdom and Idiocy, where Idiocy wins throughout our existence. We're all certainly capable of creating something exceptional, at any time or place, if we work towards nothing in particular. Goals, and Objectives, and Morals, narrow down our perspectives; in turn, narrowing down our inherent, individual capabilities.

If history is a lesson, and if god exists, god's made plenty of mistakes. And so will we. So, why do we immunize Culture, Society, and Language, to make sure we never make mistakes? The only way we learn anything substantial, is through regular errors, a regularity in errors only suggests inquisitiveness, and the want to learn more. It's a mystery as to why this idea is shunned, or deemed unimportant. The fact that we consistently progress into further stupidity and destruction throughout civilization, is a testament to the ignorance; and ignorant ideas; we choose to be proud of, and exhibit. //

1 comment:

  1. Many of the successes arising from humans' explorations have risen from blunders and mistakes. Penicillin, the telephone as examples.
