October 1, 2010

Based on Nothing

It seems like humankind has retreated so much into self-absorbed narcissism, as a form of self-preservation. Safety as an illusion isn't genuinely safety, but it's the best we can muster in oddly paranoid, hateful times like these. The human race functions on two things in modern society  - Ignorance and Greed. Ironically, we've begun to contemplate galaxies and microbial organisms, yet we still profess a strong belief in burning bushes, holy rocks, virgin births and a distorted idea of success (which is measured, weirdly, in accumulated wealth, and the number of people who respect you based on that same wealth).  We indulge ourselves insatiably in empty symbols like flags and empty slogans like "No Pain, No Gain". We function within a monetary system that has no valued attributes; meaning, every currency in the world is worthless paper backed by nothing of value, except, perhaps, the infallible word from our beloved institutions like banks and schools that money possesses value. 

Everything is a scam to indoctrinate as many unsuspecting, deluded, ignorant specimens of our race, so the few benefit from unbridled Wealth and Power. Of course, when anyone speaks out against any of these selectively implanted systems, they're labeled social deviants, degenerates, miscreants, Misfits, instead of applauded for the courage they exhibit to question the beliefs of the violent, unenlightened masses.

Psychiatrists, Bankers, Politicians & other fear mongers have long since figured out the strength of the mob; and they've figured out how to harness that strength for their personal benefits. Keeping people in an Uninformed Bubble is more than half the battle won, and it's a testament to the standards of education consistently slipping lower every year, all around the world. It's also the reason some subjects are deemed unfit for education. If the things we learn contribute in forming our perspectives , then how better to hone a person's perspective to suit subtle established needs, than filling it up with only carefully selected views to form a narrow perspective? If there wasn't a problem with enlightenment and educating oneself, then there wouldn't be banned books or syllabus cuts.

It comes down to this though - What do we base our beliefs on? And subsequently, on what basis do we crucify anyone who thinks differently from how we're told to think?

Morals do not encompass Decency or Righteousness or Honesty or Principles. Morals are a collection of deep-set customs and traditions; which, over the years have evolved ideologically into beliefs. It might work for most of us, sure. But it does not make it right or moral, to force our beliefs down other people's throats. Forget societal pressure, it really gets out of hand when people turn their opinions into legislations.

Here's a hypothetical example of how people defend their beliefs.
Person 1: Why is God good to all?
Person 2: Because the Bible said so.
Person 1: How do you know the Bible is accurate in its interpretation?
Person 2: Because the same book said so.
On similar lines, if this were a trial in a courtroom, the accused, the judge and jury would be the same person. It's the same technique that's used by marketing executives when they say their product is the best, thus implying every other product in the market is inferior. They advertise their product as a mark of perfection. If it really was, it really goes against simple logic as to why every product comes with a warranty card...

Censorship is any form is to be feared. The idea that some ideas are brilliant; and some bad, so bad and evil that they shouldn't be seen or heard or talked about - is ludicrous. It's almost like coming up with silly explanations for adults, like we do for little kids when they, for instance, refuse to eat. In some ways, it probably is a way of preparing adults to swallow nonsensical bullshit.

Self-proclaimed Moral Police are rampant in puritanical societies. They're the weird ones in a rationalist society. These moral crusaders always come up with the claim that the rest of humanity, other than themselves, are involved in, what they call, Thought Crime. This is just plain odd. Random Thoughts sort of defines how the brain works in its natural state. To say the thoughts they talk about are the only ones worth mentioning or thinking about is not just unnatural and condescending, it's derogatory to say no other specimens of the human race could come up with simpler, smarter, intellectual musings than they have.

It's sad that any opposing world-view is shunned and the view provided by our flawed institutions is treated as something perfect. And more importantly, unquestionable. The only way to self-improvement or progression is unbiased constructive criticism. To suggest that criticism against any secular, radical idea is mandatory; however simple, direct criticism to established norms is detrimental to the foundational values and ethics, is a crass and baseless analogy. It's time for change - and the way to do that is to think-out-of-the-box.

To think that we can achieve all this within truth or reason is exceedingly optimistic. Fact.

We will end ourselves and our simple creative ideas because we crave unnecessarily complicated ideas. We, as a species, believe in False Hopes, Self-Indulgent Selfish Needs and Irrational Insecurities. I sincerely hope the world ends. As an aftermath, the Earth may create another set of living organisms without large brains and larger testosterone glands; maybe the other way round. And these creatures would figure out belief without reason is blind and irrational and harmful. They would figure out existence does not mean anything other than learning to enjoy and complement what's part of life and nature; rather than manipulating it to satisfy our individual meaningless viewpoints. //

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