October 1, 2010

Copyright Us [an addendum to Slicker]

Blog Entry 1_August 5, 2008

There have been countless arguments and counter-arguments on the real identity of Dan Burton. Indeed, the speculations on the supposed Rock-God’s identity and whereabouts exist, simply because both the identity and whereabouts appear to be unknown. Dan Burton, as this anonymous entity claims to be, is a rock star who creates his/her music , and writes articles on what Music is truly meant to be about. The fact that no one knows his/her real identity, or indeed, if all the content posted on his/her website is from one sole source, remains to be seen, and presents ample uncertainty. 

Like the thousands who’ve formed a loyal fan-base around Burton’s work, I have decided to initiate a blog, to find out who Dan Burton really is, or if Burton’s really more than one person. My name is Oliver Plank. I intend to post the most crucial bits of the subsequent investigation, into the identity of the artist, or collection of artists, who function under the pseudonym of Dan Burton.
Hopefully, on a regular basis.

Blog Entry 2_October 30, 2008

I’d decided; quite prematurely, I realize now; to start my investigation by enlisting a number of people who would be able to look at the entries posted in Burton’s website, and trace the source. I thought an important part of the investigation was trying to find out where the entries were posted from.

It soon became apparent; after my trusted personnel had delved into the matter; that the entries were posted from all over the globe, in irregular intervals. Which, was both an astounding and irritating piece of information. It’s also become clear to me, that this line of investigation, is a relatively pointless pursuit.

Nearly three months of investigative work down the drain…

Blog Entry 3_February 21, 2009

The Copyright Industry launched a statement a few days ago, that Content Crime; as they choose to call it now; is very much the same as embezzlement, only morally worse. Most proponents of the entertainment industry agreed with the statement. A counter-statement to this, posted in Burton’s website, proposed thusly -

Consider this. Everything we see or hear or talk about or experience in any way, is stored in our memory, whether we want to or not. In the same way, the Art that’s existed before we have, has had a subconscious effect on culture and mind-sets in the following ages, throughout history, whether we accept that idea or not.

In rudimentary terms, almost nothing is original.
People who’re really able to understand Art, will come to the conclusion, that a bad version of pre-existing art gets called an imitation, or a re-make. A good version of pre-existing art gets called an adaptation, or a slightly fancier name, inspired work.

None of the cyber criminals legally reprimanded in the last few days have, on record, made an immense amount of money, by sharing music. They simply made it known to more people; who probably weren’t aware of the music in question prior to downloading it, that the music in question existed. How, pray tell, could free publicity such as this, ever be likened to theft? The ones who share music, do it because of a genuine love and enthusiasm for whatever particular kind of music it is, and the ones who download it download the same music because they love it themselves, and probably can’t afford it.

To be quite honest, the people who lose the most out of immoral practices such as these aren’t musicians, they’re corporate executives and shareholders, who haven’t had anything to do with creating the music to begin with. Doesn’t it seem like the wrong people are engaged in legal battles over copyright laws?

So who are Content criminals? People making an immense profit from stealing the work of creative artists? Quite the opposite - They are kids with an almost feverish obsession and passion for music. Our greatest fans. Some irony, that…

An artist with a minimal profit motive, perhaps. But he does talk about Copyright policies alienating the most loyal audience-base. Something seems wrong about the whole thing - No Leads, however. Along with this article, Burton released eight new songs, all of which were entirely original, and free. This makes absolutely no sense.

This man’s either an enigma, or fucking mental…

Blog Entry 4_June 1, 2009

Finally, dear readers, a breakthrough.

The last five entries on Burton’s website had been tracked, and pin-pointed to One source. Will furnish you with details, as soon as the story behind the pseudonym becomes clear…

Blog Entry 5_August 3, 2009

I feel I must start by apologizing for the delay in relaying the breaking story, and once the facts are out, I’m afraid Dan Burton’s alter ego will be fired from his regular job. But this blog was set up for that sole purpose, so here goes -

Dan Burton’s alter ego is… was a desk clerk at a legal firm, whose prime matrix of operations dealt with Copyright Fraud. The entries on Burton’s website, made from random international locations, were made possible by friends, colleagues, and peers, who were mailed the content-to-be-published beforehand, and given a password, to enable the posts to be published.

The person who functioned under the pseudonym of Dan Burton is now a successful musician and author. My sincerest apologies, but for the sake of the real Burton, I’m afraid I cannot reveal his true identity.
Oliver Plank


Sylvia: … which, I grant you, is an impressive blog, Simon. Now, would you explain who this Dan Burton character is?

Simon: Me

Sylvia: Huh? And Oliver Plank?

Simon: Still me…

Sylvia: But why?? I mean, you’re successful, surely you lose money with theft like this…

Simon: You’ll be surprised how miniscule that loss is. Mind you, I think I’m overpaid as it is. No, the ones who earn unwarranted billions with cases like these, are corporate entities, and of course, lawyers.

Sylvia: Still… why?

Simon: You know, of all the things music dictates as ideologies, such as love, anti-intellectualism, anti-establishment ideals, sexism, hedonism and whatever else, I thought anti-wealth as an idea was way more interesting to exploit… Plus it is fun to deprive the very-rich from nickels, and to convince the middle-class that wealth isn’t supposed to be the basis for a value system. I’m no expert on how societies function, but perhaps dissecting in-built greed in modern culture, is of vital importance…


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