October 1, 2010

The Bohemian Inflictive (or) Commonalities

I look out into an infinite universe and know just one thing for certain - We’re never going to know all the answers, ever. I watch political strife, and know a political system that’s applicable to all could simply not exist, because every single person thinks of his/her selfishly-motivated gains at some point, while drafting a manifesto by which the rest of humanity ought to live by. Values are required by its own nature to constantly change with the times, otherwise they become self-imposed, segregated, static morals. I watch the celebration of mediocrity and banality in education, arts and culture, and consider suggesting to ill-informed, self-proclaimed guardians of future generations to come, that aggrandizing narrow, set processes and shunning genuinely unique, remarkable achievements would perhaps contribute in ruining wisdom and higher learning and progress as we know it, but I digress.

It always strikes me as indelibly ironic, that the ones among us who are capable of higher intelligences and greatness, shuffle through life, concentrating on the visceral, burning out, and then conveniently finding Order, to limit themselves in their creative impulses and capabilities. The ones who aren’t as intellectually remarkable, or creatively characterized, have the need to invent their own creativity, and have to work hard on forming something vaguely in the vicinity of smartness, in spite of what seems to be, or thought to be, stunted development.
Autistic persons have a remarkable imagination, but they spend most their lives trying to eradicate the stigma attached to their condition among at least a few people around them, to live life considerably normally. People with greater insight are discouraged from using the same insight, and are instead entrusted to wait tables, clean lavatories, or some such senile activity that keeps their insight in check to a bare minimum. And so on, and on, and on, until people get desperate, and frantic. Once they manage to move out of that mental state, they’re forced into wage slavery, and family values, as a way of starting over. Trust me, aliens would never visit us, given the kind of misery and suffering we inflict upon ourselves, unknowingly benefiting a certain few with enormous economic resources and unbridled power, while the rest of the world gets to work jobs they hate, proceed to starve, remain constantly demoralized, demented, desperate, diseased and downtrodden, all in the name of security, fitting in within society, financial gain, or success.
I’m not trying to be bleak, seriously, this is the kind of morally-screwed-up sewer pit we indulge ourselves in, and choose to stay in.

There is no such thing as hope. Hope, to me, is a way of saying, “ Let’s wait for the next disaster to happen, and let’s HOPE it does not happen to us”, instead of taking care of it while we can. Most things in the world run on fear and greed. But Idleness is important to consider as well. I’m not talking about working harder, and striving harder to make ends meet. In an essay by Bertrand Russell, he put forward a simple question - if we can manage to increase production with less labor, doesn’t that mean Human Beings get more leisure time for themselves? By this logic, it suggests we'll work fewer hours and can afford most things because it’s readily available. Instead, what we see is cost-cutting and labor-cutting, which essentially means the number of workers are cut down, their wages are smaller, and their work-load increased. The working classes are more disgruntled, the unemployed increase in numbers, the rich get richer by the simple fact that they have to pay less to manufacture a product in abundance, and then manufacture a need for the product with advertising and denote these useless products to be something definitive for what’s termed Lifestyle, thus manufacturing an infinite demand for it…

If we truly believe in making the world a better place for future generations to exist in, I suggest we start now, and try to contemplate and demonstrate to ourselves whether what we do, what we think, what we believe, what we act upon are really logically humane decisions, based on unbiased, rational reasoning. If not; especially for those people who plan on having a future generation to begin with; it’s worth the effort to think again.

This article had nothing to do with being Bohemian, but in some cases, it is absolutely necessary to be so. To cope with a global lack of rational thought. I’m not saying most of the human race is stupid, I’m saying most of the human race chose to be so out of convenience. People tell me all the time that I’m being arrogant when I say most of the human race is stupid. Well… it took us centuries to figure out that lightning wasn’t a sign that some imaginary entity was angry, and felt like smiting a few of his creations dead; it was actually an atmospheric discharge of electricity. Common Sense is simply named thus, perhaps out of a cynical understanding that rational sensibility perhaps isn’t that common. Likewise; jailing drug offenders aren’t likely to produce a drug-free utopia, it’s ridding the world of the competition to the legal ones; censoring books and movies and music is only successful in producing an increasing number of less-varied kids, perspective-wise… And on, and fucking on, for ever… I hope not, but like I said, hope is baseless, and intellectually stupid to cling onto. Instead, let us bask in certain stupidity, and ignore uncertain knowledge and rational reasoning, into Oblivion.//

1 comment:

  1. I hear you..I was actually accused of `thinking' too much and that I should `dumb-down' the rhetoric as people did not want to hear how `stupid' they are and burying your head in the sand was a much more comfortable way to live besides `what can you do about it anyway?' was their greatest defense for being so ill-informed and shallow.
